Serving Missionaries, Aid Workers
& Adventurous Spirit in Haiti
and Beyond
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Haiti Headlines
Haiti police raid gang leader's stronghold in capital
Officials say several gang members have been killed in a major police operation in Port-au-Prince.
DHS revokes legal protections for 532,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans
The Department of Homeland Security's new policy, revoking legal protections for hundreds of thousands, impacts people who are already in the U.S. and
- The Associated Press
Residents flee new wave of violence in Haiti capital
Haiti's lawless capital Port-au-Prince was in the grip of a new wave of gang violence on Friday, according to an AFP correspondent on the ground, as m
Liveblog USA unter Trump: Washington entzieht halber Million Migranten Aufenthaltsrecht
Betroffen sind Menschen aus Kuba, Haiti, Nicaragua und Venezuela +++ Mitarbeiter von Voice of America verklagen Trump-Regierung +++ alle Neuigkeiten
How to Help Victims of the Myanmar Earthquake
As relief efforts continue in Southeast Asia after a devastating earthquake hit Myanmar, here's how you can help those impacted.
- Rebecca Schneid
Trump revokes status of 530,000 Latin Americans
Migrants who entered the US under the Biden-era programme will lose their deportation shield by the end of next month.
The 21 most dangerous countries for US tourists
Many tourists love learning about a new place, but some countries are currently dangerous and are on the US government's do-not-travel list.
- Jenny McGrath
Visastopp: US-Regierung plant offenbar weitreichende Einreisebeschränkungen
Ein internes Memo listet mehr als 40 Länder, aus denen die Einreise in die USA eingeschränkt werden soll. Menschen aus Afghanistan etwa sollen keine
- ZEIT ONLINE: Ausland - Verena Hölzl
US cuts to HIV aid will cost millions of lives - UNAids chief
Funding cuts could lead to an added 2,000 new HIV infections each day, Winnie Byanyima warns.
Flight Passenger Allegedly Beats Up Crew in Fight With 'Satan's Disciples,' on Video
American Airlines may want to pay for an exorcist to fly on each of its flights ... 'cause one passenger claims her brother was fighting off evil demo
- TMZ Staff
+++ USA unter Trump +++: Mehr als 500.000 Migranten wird Aufenthaltstitel entzogen
Betroffen sind dieses Mal Menschen aus Kuba, Haiti, Nicaragua und Venezuela. Unterdessen will Venezuela wieder Abschiebeflüge akzeptieren.
Bandengewalt in Haiti: Port-au-Prince steht vor dem Fall
Die vereinigten bewaffneten Gangs kontrollieren etliche Straßen und Viertel der haitianischen Hauptstadt. Sie zeigen deutlich ihre Macht.
- Katja Maurer
Jorge Heine on the BRICS, active non-alignment, the US dollar, and more
Jorge Heine urges the Organization of American States to demonstrate leadership in Haiti, shows how small countries can implement a foreign policy ba
- Jorge Heine
Bidens Programm jetzt "temporär": 530.000 Migranten mit Aufenthaltsrecht müssen USA verlassen
Mehr als eine halbe Million Menschen aus Kuba, Haiti, Nicaragua und Venezuela sollen trotz ihrer legalen Einreise innerhalb von Wochen aus den USA aus
Medical Benchmarks and the Myth of the Universal Patient
Manvir Singh reviews “Adaptable: How Your Unique Body Really Works and Why Our Biology Unites Us,” by Herman Pontzer, and considers the hidden cos
- Manvir Singh
International flights can land at airport in Haiti's southwest for the 1st time
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — An airport in southwestern Haiti is ready to receive international flights for the first time, officials said Wednesday
US-Regierung plant laut Medienberichten neue Einreiseverbote
Bereits in seiner ersten Amtszeit hatte US-Präsident Trump Einreiseverbote verhängt. Laut Medienberichten könnten nun erneut Menschen aus mehr als
Der US-Überblick am Morgen : Südafrikas Botschafter unerwünscht, Einreiseverbote in Planung
Der südafrikanische Botschafter muss die USA verlassen. Donald Trump teilt gegen "illegale" Medien aus. Insider berichten von Visastopp-Plänen. Der
- ZEIT ONLINE: Ausland - Julica Jungehülsing
La pace diventa più difficile
Se Haiti riceve il 22 per cento degli aiuti statunitensi destinati all’America Latina, la prima beneficiaria della regione è la Colombia, con il 26
- Internazionale
Der US-Überblick am Morgen: Trump entzieht Sicherheitsfreigaben, Migranten verlieren Schutzstatus
530.000 Migranten könnte bald die Abschiebung drohen. Kamala Harris und Hillary Clinton verlieren ihren Zugang zu Geheimdienstinformationen. Der US-
- ZEIT ONLINE: Ausland - Eva Casper
Haitians sue to stop Trump administration from revoking temporary protection
Three organizations filed a lawsuit Monday seeking to block the Trump administration’s attempt to put an early end to Temporary Protected Status for
- Curtis Bunn
UN warns of ‘severe’ human rights abuses in Haiti as illegal weapons proliferate
A steady stream of illegal weapons smuggled into Haiti is fueling an increase in gang violence and leading to severe human rights abuses, according to
- The Associated Press
Haiti: Ein Land in der Hand von 200 Banden
Haiti wird von Banden kontrolliert. Million Menschen sind auf der Flucht vor der eskalierenden Gewalt, während die Welt wegschaut. Ein Gastbeitrag.
- Maya Krainc
FAA extends bar on U.S. flights to Port-au-Prince through September 8
The Federal Aviation Administration said on Tuesday it was extending prohibitions barring U.S. flights to the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince through S
- Reuters
Haiti kommt nicht zur Ruhe: Hauptstadtbewohner fliehen erneut vor Bandengewalt
Das von schwerer Bandenkriminalität geplagte Haiti kommt nicht zur Ruhe: Nach neuen Kämpfen rivalisierender Banden flohen am Freitag weitere Bewohne
Unicef: la metà dei membri dei gruppi armati sono bambini
Il reclutamento di minori è cresciuto del 70% in un anno, e comincia anche con soli 8 anni di età (ANSA)
Kenyan police officer goes missing in Haiti gang ambush
The incident comes barely a month after another Kenyan police officer was killed in a confrontation with gang members.
World Press Photo 2025 Winners Show the World as it Is — and as it Could Be
The 2025 World Press Photo Contest winners have officially been revealed. Like every year, they are a collection of breathtaking looks at the world th
- Dunja Djudjic
Kenyan officer missing in Haiti after gang ambush
Despite the attacks, the East African state’s authorities say its forces remain committed to the security mission in the Caribbean nation Read Full
- RT
Trump Ends Program for Legal Migrants From Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela
The Trump administration announced Friday that it would end a program that allowed hundreds of thousands of migrants to live and work in the United
- Fiona Harrigan
How Poorer Countries Became the World’s Dumping Grounds
A new book shows how residents of wealthier nations are jeopardizing the health and safety of other parts of the planet.
- Scott W. Stern
OMS alerta: escassez de medicamentos para HIV pode causar milhões de mortes
Problema seria resultado do congelamento do apoio dos EUA aos programas da OMS de combate ao HIV, anunciado por Trump em janeiro O post OMS alerta: es
- Leandro Costa Criscuolo
Keňští policisté na Haiti umírají ve válce s gangy. Stáhněme je, apelují doma
Keňské bezpečnostní sbory, vyslané na Haiti v rámci mnohonárodností bezpečností podpůrné mise (MSS), mají potíže při pacifikování ta
- Jan Hron
Haitis gäng tystar medier genom våld
Kriminella grupper i Haiti riktar in sig på medier som rapporterar om utvecklingen i det sargade landet i Karibien. Målet är att tysta bevakningen,
- TT
Több százezer ukrán kitoloncolását készítheti elő a Trump-adminisztráció
Az intézkedés már az előkészítés fázisában volt, amikor Donald Trump amerikai és Volodimir Zelenszkij ukrán elnök a múlt pénteken össze
Women’s Day 2025: Accelerate Action Through Women-Led Innovations
Women’s Day 2025: Accelerate Action Through Women-Led Innovations#AccelerateAction – This is the theme for this year’s celebration of Internatio
- Pooja Khanna Tyagi
Rubio To Look At New Path On Haiti On Caribbean Trip
US Secretary of State Marco Rubio heads Wednesday to the Caribbean looking for ways forward on violence-torn Haiti and to show support for oil-rich Gu
- Shaun TANDON
Trial to begin for Haiti town’s ex-mayor on charges he lied about rights abuses to get U.S. residency
A former mayor from Haiti is set to go on trial Monday after authorities say he lied on his visa application about committing rights abuses in his cou
- The Associated Press
Haiti Gang Boss 'Barbecue' Threatens Bombings: 'I Have Money; Drones Are Sold Everywhere'
Haitian gang boss Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier over the weekend threatened a "violent reprisal" after police raided his stronghold in Port-au-Prince
- Christian K. Caruzo, Christian K. Caruzo
Links 3/15/2025: The Ides of March
Our rowdy daily links: UP cougar cubs, Covid societal changes, Taiwan bristles, China super fast chip, EU stockpiling, UK recession, Israel savagery,
- Yves Smith
Trump Administration Revoking Legal Status of over 500K Biden-Era Migrants
The Trump administration is revoking the legal status of more than 500,000 migrants who entered the United States through a Biden administration parol
- Elizabeth Weibel, Elizabeth Weibel
ABD'de 4 ülkeden gelen özel vize sahibi göçmenlerin yasal statüsü iptal edilecek
ABD'de özel vize programı kapsamında Küba, Haiti, Nikaragua ve Venezuela'dan ülkeye gelen göçmenlerin yasal statüsünün geri alınacağı bil
IA pode ser solução para garantir segurança alimentar no Brasil
Pesquisadores divulgaram um relatório que reúne propostas concretas para solucionar problemas críticos relacionados ao tema O post IA pode ser solu
- Alessandro Di Lorenzo
Haiti swears in new leader amid din of gang violence
PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI — The council tasked to prepare eventual presidential elections in Haiti swore in a new leader Friday, as the country continu
- (Associated Press)
VOA Creole: MSF reports 150 new cholera cases in Haiti
Medecins Sans Frontiere says cholera is on the rise in Haiti. The nongovernmental health organization, also known as Doctors Without Borders, says 150
- (Wilner Bossou)
VOA Creole: Armed gangs attack neighborhood in Haiti
Armed gangs attacked the Carrefour Feuilles neighborhood of Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital, on Tuesday. According to VOA Creole's reporter on the gro
- (Wilner Bossou)
Internes Memo der US-Regierung: Trump plant Einreisebeschränkungen für 41 Staaten
Der US-Präsident richtet seine Einreisepolitik neu aus. Laut vertraulicher Liste der Regierung müssen Länder weltweit mit Verschärfungen bei der V
Trump administration to end legal protections for over 500,000 CHNV migrants under Biden-era parole program
The Trump administration plans to revoke legal protections for approximately 532,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela (CHNV) who ent
- Laura Harris
The real reason behind Trump’s tariffs on Mexico and military buildup
The US president wants to bully Mexico back into America’s back yard under a Monroe Doctrine redux.
- Alfonso Gonzales Toribio, Murrell Brooks
Racked by violence, Haiti faces 'humanitarian catastrophe,' aid group says
PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI — Haiti is facing a "humanitarian catastrophe" as it reels from a surge in violence that is forcing people from their homes a
- (Agence France-Presse)
VOA Creole: Dominican officials seize Haiti-bound weapons cache
Customs officials at the Port of Haina in the Dominican Republic seized a weapons cache hidden in a container bound for Haiti. Items seized included G
- (Wilner Bossou)
López, Dumornay, Shaw lead best U21 women's soccer players
Welcome to the next generation of women's stars aged 21 or under, with representatives from the NWSL, WSL and across Europe.
- Emily Keogh
Trump Revokes Temporary Status For 530,000 Cubans And Venezuelans
Looks like Trump really wants to piss off a group of people that reliably vote for him, because he is revoking the temporary protected status for over
- Red Painter
Jamaica Rebuffs Rubio Push Against Cuban Doctors
Jamaica on Wednesday rebuffed a push by US Secretary of State Marco Rubio to sever a program that brings in Cuban doctors, who have become critical to
- Shaun TANDON
5 Ways Global Humanitarian Aid Benefits The U.S.
Investing in humanitarian aid for children is not only the right thing to do, it's the smart thing to do. Here's why.
- Sarah Ferguson, UNICEF USA, Sarah Ferguson, UNICEF USA
Joly apre il G7 Esteri: 'La pace in cima alla nostra agenda'
La ministra canadese: 'Dobbiamo lavorare insieme contro le sfide comuni' (ANSA)
Odkud korespondenčně volit nepůjde. Stát nevěří nejen jemenské či afghánské poště
Vláda ve středu rozhodne o obvodech, ve kterých budou moct na podzim volit do Sněmovny krajané korespondenčně. Hlasování pomocí pošty v zah
-, ČTK
Chi è Marian Croak, la pioniera che ha anticipato Zoom
Ingegnera, ha più di 200 brevetti a suo nome, incoraggia le ragazze a dedicarsi all'ingegneria ed è stata una delle prime donne di colore ad essere
Trump alungă din SUA peste 500.000 de imigranți cărora le revocă statutul legal. Care este situația celor 240.000 de ucraineni care au fugit de război
Administrația Trump a anunțat că va revoca statutul legal temporar în cazul a peste o jumătate de milion de migranți din Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua
- Cristina Stancu
The enduring hope of Haiti's children in the midst of chaos
Statement by UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Ted Chaiban upon conclusion of his visit to Haiti
- John Pike
MAGA wants to sic DOGE on Amy Coney Barrett after Supreme Court blocks spending freeze
Right-wingers are going all in against Amy Coney Barrett after the conservative Supreme Court justice sided with Chief Justice John Roberts and the li
- Katherine Huggins
Third Generation Gangs Subject Bibliography No. 2: Haitian Gangs
The Haitian gang crisis, which has persisted since 2018 and shows no signs of resolution, continues to grow worse. What began as a series of localized
- Jean-michel Newberg
EUA não pagam quotas à Organização Mundial do Comércio desde 2024
Trump assinou uma ordem executiva para retirar o investimento dos EUA de vários organismos da ONU, entre os quais a OMC, o que coloca o país na mesm
- Agência Lusa
Keňští policisté na Haiti umírají ve válce s gangy. Stáhněme je, apelují doma
Keňské bezpečnostní sbory, vyslané na Haiti v rámci mnohonárodností bezpečností podpůrné mise (MSS), mají potíže při pacifikování ta
- Jan Hron
Pakistan Travel Advisory Issued For Americans
Parts of Pakistan are subject to the State Department's highest level of warning, on a par with the likes of Afghanistan, Haiti, Iran and North Korea.
- Chloe Mayer
Canada imposes additional sanctions against individuals linked to crisis in Haiti
The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, today announced that Canada is imposing additional sanctions
- John Pike
Kriminelle bander med ny offensiv i Port-au-Prince
Kriminelle bander er på nytt på frammarsj i Haitis hovedstad Port-au-Prince, der skoler er evakuert og prester har forskanset seg i en kirke.
EU-Chefdiplomatin Kallas kritisert weltweiten Trend zum Recht des Stärkeren
Die EU-Außenbeauftragte Kaja Kallas hat die russische Invasion der Ukraine als Beispiel für ein Erstarken des Rechts des Stärkeren bezeichnet. "Wir
Haitians in the U.S. are bracing for the fallout of Trump's immigration crackdown
The fear among Haitians on temporary protected status has been palpable since Trump won the 2024 election.
- Garry Pierre-Pierre
Ukraine-Krieg im Liveticker: +++ 03:49 Polen: US-Hilfen können sofort wieder verteilt werden +++
Lesen Sie alle aktuellen Entwicklungen und Nachrichten über den russischen Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine im Liveticker von
Trump revocă statutul legal pentru 530.000 de de imigranţi din Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua şi Venezuela
Mediafax Administraţia Trump revocă statutul juridic temporar a 530.000 de cubanezi, haitieni, nicaraguani şi venezueleni aflaţi în Statele Unite
- Iris Dutescu
Haiti: Massive surge in child armed group recruitment, warns UNICEF
The ongoing emergency in Haiti is crushing children's chances of an education and a better future as scores of youngsters are recruited by heavily arm
- John Pike
Taiwan's top diplomat says Haiti, Vatican ties need extra attention
While Taiwan's diplomatic relations with all its 12 official allies are relatively stable, "extra attention" needs to be paid to Haiti and the Vatican
- John Pike
Haiti: Over one million displaced by gang violence
Ongoing gang violence in Haiti has displaced more than a million people, nearly a tenth of the population, or three times more than last year, the UN
- John Pike
Ukraine-Krieg im Liveticker: +++ 02:49 EU-Chefdiplomatin Kallas kritisiert weltweiten Trend zum Recht des Stärkeren +++
Lesen Sie alle aktuellen Entwicklungen und Nachrichten über den russischen Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine im Liveticker von
Schutzstatus soll entfallen: US-Abschiebe-Plan könnte 240.000 Ukrainer treffen
Nicht wenige Ukrainer fliehen vor der russischen Invasion in die USA. Nun droht bis zu 240.000 von ihnen die zwangsweise Rückkehr, weil ihr Schutzsta
UN Human Rights Council 58: UK Statement for the Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner on Haiti
UK Statement for the Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner on Haiti with the participation of the Independent Expert. Delivered by the UK Hu
- John Pike
VOA Creole: Haiti gangs set fire to RTVC media office in Port-au-Prince
Haitian armed gangs set fire overnight to Radio Television Caraibes building in downtown Port-au-Prince, not far from the National Palace. RTVC had mo
- (Wilner Bossou)
Secretary Rubio's Meeting with Haiti Transitional Presidential Council President Jean
No description
- John Pike
Trump DHS to migrants Biden paroled into U.S.: Pack your bags
'They allowed more than half a million loosely vetted aliens from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela and their immediate family members to enter'
- Daily Caller News Foundation
For Migrants, This Trump Term Feels Different
In one Chicago neighborhood, undocumented immigrants are preparing to lose their American lives.
- Stephanie McCrummen
Meghalt Mia Love, az első afroamerikai republikánus kongresszusi képviselőnő
Meghalt Mia Love, az első afroamerikai republikánus kongresszusi képviselőnő - A politikust 2014-ben választották be az amerikai képviselőhá
- - ts -
Kolejna odsłona wojny Trumpa z imigrantami. Uderza w rezydentów z Kuby, Nikaragui i Wenezueli
Prezydent Donald Trump odebrał status legalnych rezydentów USA 530 tys. osób z Kuby, Nikaragui, Haiti i Wenezueli. Decyzja prezydenta nabierze mocy
- Redaktor
U.S. orders non-emergency personnel to leave South Sudan amid violence
The travel advisory level for South Sudan remains at Level 4, which means Americans should not travel to the African country.
Rubio visits the Caribbean, where energy and migration will top his agenda this week
Rubio arrived in Jamaica for a tour of the Caribbean as the Trump administration increasingly focuses on the Western Hemisphere.
- Associated Press
ABD'den 4 ülkeden gelen göçmenleri kovma kararı
ABD'de özel vize programı kapsamında Küba, Haiti, Nikaragua ve Venezuela'dan ülkeye gelen göçmenlerin yasal statüsünün geri alınacağı bil
- Erkan Talu
Умер актер и телеведущий Энтони Фелпс
В ночь на 11 марта скончался Энтони Фелпс, гаитяно-канадский писатель, поэт, сценар
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